
Function Of Flow Cytometer And What It Is For

By Liz Lamb

A flow cytometer is used to count and examine microscopic particles such as cells and chromosomes. This apparatus is capable of analyzing thousands of particles every second. With its function, this is used for several applications usually in the field of science and medicine.

This device is similar to microscope only that instead of magnifying objects, this is used to quantify the specimen. In addition, this is also capable of sorting and separating the particles based on their properties. This allows experts to easily examine each kind of specimen.

Because of this powerful function, the apparatus is now used in research and clinical practice. Scientists who are constantly in search of cures to different diseases make use of this. Also, this is used in diagnosing certain health disorders making it such a very useful instrument.

There are five main components for this tool to function. Each one has a vital role for its entire operation. These include a flow cell or the liquid stream, a detector, a measuring system, an amplification system and a computer.

In this process, light is the medium used to gather data. Laser is usually the kind of light used in this case. Its wavelength is directed to the particles passing through the liquid stream. The detectors pick up this light and this is how the data is gathered.

There are various parameters which are measured with this device. The list is long and more are added as new advancements come in place. Some of these parameters include cell volume, cell pigments, RNA contents, total DNA content, proteins, pH levels, enzymes and many others.

Nowadays, a flow cytometer is connected to computers to produce more accurate results. This new system has made it better in terms of recording and analyzing all the data gathered. People who are in the medical and scientific fields have benefited a lot from this tool.

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