
For Quality Access Control Orlando Should Be Prioritized

By Anthony Bailey

Access control is defined as the selective restriction to access to a resource, a place, or any other phenomenon. The term accessing takes on several meanings in this field, including using, entering, and consuming. One is said to have authorization if they have the permission to access the resource whose access is restricted. To learn more about access control Orlando is a good location to consider making a visit to.

Many ways can be used to control how access is controlled. Ticket checkers, border guards, bouncers and other personnel may be used to control how geographical locations are accessed. Turnstile and similar devices may also be utilized. Those who circumvent the controls may be kept out using fences installed around the resource. Locks and keys are major examples of mechanical means used to restrict entry. Access control systems are examples of technological means.

In addition to mechanical or technological means of monitoring how a resource is accessed, physical key management may also be employed. Controlling physical access to a resource is governed by three main aspects, that is who, when, and where. The system determines who is allowed entrance and or exit from a resource and when entrance and exit can be allowed.

When a location is secured using lock and key, everybody is denied entrance except those who have keys. However, keys can be borne by anybody, even someone who is not supposed to have them because locks and keys do not need further identification beyond the key. No time and date restrictions are also imposed. Locks and keys do not also keep a record of transactions regarding how they were accessed.

Copying of keys is easy and has often causes security breaches besides keys being transferred to unauthorized individuals. Keys are prone to getting lost as people often misplace them. When this happens, the individual is denied entrance or exit from a resource. However, the locks can often be re-keyed to solve this problem. Taking a look at the above weaknesses in locks and keys, it is clear that they are not a very safe and reliable means of controlling how resources are accessed.

Electronic access control was invented as a solution to the weaknesses presented by locks and keys. The use of computers in electronic systems solves most of the problems in mechanical systems. Access is only granted in electronic systems based on the credentials that one enters. The door unlocks if correct credentials are entered and only closes after a given time frame has elapsed. For future references, all transactions on the system are recorded.

If one enters the wrong credentials, the door does not unlock. The transaction is also recorded despite the door not unlocking. Forcing the door open may trigger an alarm in the system to alert security personnel. Holding the door open after it unlocks beyond the predetermined time frame also triggers an alarm.

This industry is experiencing rapid changes and development. Older systems are being replaced by new, more sophisticated ones. With every new system that is introduced, security is improved while user friendliness is enhanced.

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